surface cleaner
  • Post category:Surface Cleaner
  • Post last modified:July 20, 2023
  • Reading time:4 mins read


The right general pump surface cleaner can make all the difference when it comes to cleaning your concrete surfaces. Properly cleaned, your concrete will look better than ever and last longer. However, it is important not to purchase just any pressure washer if you want great results – these units are designed for specific purposes and can’t be used interchangeably with other types of equipment. There are three main components that go into a surface cleaner:

A minimum of 3200 PSI is required for a rotary surface cleaner.

If you’re looking to run a rotary surface cleaner, you’ll need at least 3200 PSI. Pressure washers can vary greatly in terms of their range and performance, so it’s important that whatever you choose is strong enough to handle your cleaning task. A pressure washer with a surface cleaner will generally have the same minimum requirements as one without one, but there are exceptions—for example, some models come with two different nozzles for different jobs. This means that if you buy a double-nozzle model from us at EVEAGE, we would still recommend using it with at least 3200 PSI power behind it (and preferably higher).

If all this seems confusing…don’t worry! We’ll walk through where these numbers come from in just a moment! For now though let’s just say this: the better your equipment is (and more specifically its PSI rating), then the easier time it will have getting dirt off your driveway or car without damaging either surface.*

Straight shaft gas pressure washer with a minimum of 3.5 GPM water volume.

When selecting a gas pressure washer, there are various factors you should consider. One of the most important is to ensure that the engine is capable of producing enough power to operate one or more surface cleaners.

In order to provide power for your surface cleaning tools, we recommend that you use a straight shaft gas pressure washer with a minimum of 3.5 GPM water volume. Gas pressure washers with larger engines will have better performance and can be used for more demanding applications such as stripping paint or cleaning large areas quickly.

Pressure washers capable of running up to 3500 PSI and 4.8 GPM are recommended.

If you’re planning to use your surface cleaner with a pressure washer, make sure that both the machine and accessory have high PSI and GPM ratings. You don’t need to buy an expensive model for this purpose—anything at least 3500 PSI/4.8 GPM will work fine. But if you want something more powerful, look for models with higher ratings (upwards of 4500 PSI) or better yet, get one that can reach up to 6000 PSI!

The rotors in these units can reach speeds up to 2000 RPM, so they quickly and effectively clean stubborn concrete grime and stains, oil and grease marks, mildew stains and more.

The rotors in these units can reach speeds up to 2000 RPM, so they quickly and effectively clean stubborn concrete grime and stains, oil and grease marks, mildew stains and more.

Rotary surface cleaners are designed to remove stubborn stains (such as those from oil, grease or mildew) from concrete surfaces. They’re also great for cleaning parking lots or other areas with heavy foot traffic that need a deep cleaning without the use of harsh chemicals.

With the right pressure washer you can easily remove grime, grease, stains and more from concrete surfaces of all kinds!

With the right pressure washer, you can easily remove grime, grease, stains and more from concrete surfaces of all kinds!

Pressure washers are capable of cleaning concrete surfaces. Pressure washers are used to clean concrete surfaces. Pressure washers can be used to clean concrete surfaces. Pressure washers can clean concrete surfaces. Pressure washers can clean concrete surfaces easily


That’s it! You now know everything you need to get started using a pressure washer surface cleaner on your concrete driveway or sidewalk. Give it a try today—you won’t be disappointed!